A Refreshing Start to Your Day
Waking up in winter is especially hard, and you often need a kick start to your day. While it may be easy to grab a traditional coffee to help you get started, did you know that there’s something even more simple, yet healthy and effective for jump starting your whole body?
Lemon Water to the Rescue!
Drinking warm water with lemon as your first drink in the morning has some amazing benefits. As you sleep, your body isn’t taking in any liquid or nutrients, so the first things you eat and drink can make a huge impact on our day. While caffeine can assist in making you more alert, the effects are often short lived and more caffeine is needed to maintain the effect. When you start your day with warm water and lemon, you can wake and refresh your whole body from the inside to prepare yourself for the day ahead!
Benefits of Lemon Water
- Helps to flush your digestive system – while you sleep your digestive system slows down, which is why it’s not recommended to sleep on a full stomach. Waking up with a warm lemon water gently flushes your sleepy digestive system and rehydrates your whole body. You should feel more energetic and your digestion can improve!
- Boosts your immune system - Lemons contain vitamin C which helps your immune system and potassium which is vital for your cardiovascular system. You’ll absorb them more efficiently to enjoy the benefits!
- Helps you achieve clearer skin – having a clean body inside is amazing for how it looks on the outside, so it’s no wonder lemon water gives your skin a healthy glow!
- Helps you maintain a healthy weight – drinking water in the morning helps to boost your metabolism by up to 30%. Adding lemon water to your healthy diet and fitness regime can be a huge help in maintaining a healthy weight!
How to Prepare the Perfect Lemon Water
It’s super easy to prepare the perfect lemon water, simply squeeze a whole organic lemon into a large cup of warm (not boiling) water. For an added boost, peel and slice ½ inch of ginger and add it to your drink!
Give the water 20 to 30 minutes to work its magic, then you can eat breakfast and drink as you normally would.